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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Another Form of Animal Abuse-Puppy Mills

Puppies. Everyone loves them, right? But almost no one knows what happens to a lot of dogs before they get to the pet stores to get adopted.
Puppy mills.

If puppy mills are so horrible, why do they continue to grow?
Well, like we said before, a lot of people don't know about them. They find an adorable, cuddly puppy that they just absolutely have to have, or they go to websites and find the most amazingly cute puppy that they've ever seen and adopt, not knowing what goes on before.

What exactly are puppy mills?
Hundreds of thousands of puppies are raised in puppy mills each year. Puppy mills breed female dogs as soon as they can be bred, and every year after. Usually around the time they turn five and can't be bred any more, they are killed; usually shot.
There are hundreds of puppies in each mill, and they are kept in small, cramped cages, with inadequate food and water. They are not heated in the winter, or cooled in the summer. Many dogs die of heat stroke and freezing to death.
Because of the lack of space, and the amount of dogs in each cage, many are killed or injured in fights with other dogs.

Why are they so bad?

Puppy mills keep their dogs in tiny, cramped cages. They don't provide enough food or water, and in order to earn more money, they very seldom have vet checks. Food is bought in bulk by the truckload, and is very poor quality.

Dogs in puppy mills often have little to no human contact, and could be very mean. Also, because they aren't seen by vets and are kept in such filthy conditions, they have emotional or physical problems that could cost the family thousands of dollars.

~Hannah, Maya, Reanna

1 comment:

  1. Awe sad face. I think that they aren't good.
